Tuesday 27 December 2011

then some Batman stuff

man this has been eating my time lately
not a bad thing per se, I'm not just used to this sorta thing xD gotta try to juggle my original stuff and fanart stuff more maybe?

art slump

Yeah. Haven't made much progress with my original stuff.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Holy doodle dumps, Batman!

Anyway, moving on:

Some thoughts about these designs:

umm… never said they’d be good designs.

I think at least a few these guys would rather be taking over the personas of the original villains rather than being them.

The Enigma has a different approach than The Riddler, and no-one knows who he is or what he looks like even while he’s dropping clues and red herrings.

Poison Ivy is just… Poison Ivy. (I just realized there’s some Junko Mizuno influence here.) I kind of like her having elf-like qualities.

The Joker lost most of his face, he has no lips so it looks like he’s got a permagrin going on. He also lost his eyebrows so he draws them on. (he probably wears a wig, too.)  OH YEAH he lost his mind somewhere along the line too lololol

The Penguin … well, idk that idea just flashed in my head (similar to that Enigma one). He’s somewhat flamboyant, he kind of seems like he has some kind of an act going on and being aware of how over-the-top he is.

MAN THESE ARE WEIRD and I’m just making shit up haha

Then some additional Penguin things from my askblog after the jump.

Penguin and Egghead. (naturally, Penguin is at the top, can't let Egghead spread his wings or anything, gosh!)

mostly those guys (bits of a meme, etc.)

also, gay penguins.

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