Thursday 15 March 2012

art trade(s)

for Penanggalan/Vera

drawings from Mr. R blog

naturally they're at their best when viewed on the blog:

a misc sketch compilation

Oh Blogspot, why are these pics out of order??
Harvestman wonders this too.

a dream

so I had a dream with an elevator that went up 99 floors and more and the building had a lot of bakeries

there were also masked gangsters, I only remember Number Two who had a dark blue mask which had nothing but teeth

that Number Two had killed and taken over the original Number Two’s place and took his mask and planned on killing his boss

apparently I bashed his head in with a metal bat. 8I wow why even. also my computer had this Japanese game that wouldn’t even run properly

and it would start up every time and freeze up my computer. 

there were also tiny people/children called the Sudoku people. ???

drawings of super old characters

wow. I made these two back in 2002... I was on a huge fantasy kick back in the day, hahaha.

some related rambly tumblr blog posts:


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